

  • 哲学

    在Xaverian,更广为人知的名字是M.A.X.是一个全方位的基于表现的项目. 无论经验如何,任何学生都可以参加. The program encourages students of any background to participate and take their performance to the highest levels of 音乐才能. This has been the philosophical backbone of MAX since its inception, opportunity for everyone. 

    Xaverian音乐学院现在有28个不同的大型表演乐团. The groups range from the youngest performers to groups who play some of the most challenging repertoires. 团体和课程范围从交响乐团, 爵士乐队, 管弦乐队, Chorus, 吉他乐团, 音乐剧, 管鼓队, Pep乐队, 摇滚乐队, Drumline, 以及各种室内乐合奏以及音乐理论和AP音乐理论.

    音乐有助于塑造一个全面发展的人. 在Xaverian培养的是自律等技能, 听, 合作, 团队合作, 承诺, 领导, 奉献, 毅力, and ensemble in a 结构d College Preparatory approach that will challenge students to reach their highest potential. Students obtain knowledge that they will be able to use for the rest of their lives in whatever careers they may choose. 

    参与音乐可以转化为学业上的成功. Students who have participated in the Music Program have typically been top academic performers in the school. Many of these same students have been offered music scholarships to the colleges of their choice even though they may choose a different field of study. The latest studies indicate that students who participate in music earn higher standardized test scores than students who have no involvement in music. 



  • 培养对音乐的终身热情

    To foster in all students a lifelong passion for music enjoyment no matter what genre or style
  • 在生活的各个领域获得技能

  • 给学生继续音乐表演的工具

    To give students the tools necessary to continue music performance long after their Xaverian years



  • AP音乐理论 

    The ultimate goal of an AP音乐理论 course is to develop a student’s ability to recognize, 理解, 并描述作为表演者和听众的音乐的基本材料和过程. The curriculum to achieve these goals will involve 理解ing the fundamentals of aural and analysis using 听, 写, 和/或表演练习. A prerequisite for the AP level class is successful completion of the 音乐理论 course and/or approval of the Director of Music. Any student who is enrolled in either level of 音乐理论 must be enrolled in an ensemble (i.e. 乐队,管弦乐队,合唱团或吉他).
  • 音乐理论 

    这门课程的重点是奠定音乐理论的基础, 历史, 阅读分数, 还有听觉技能. 课堂作业将包括学习分数分析的基础知识, 听力理解, 以及讨论音乐作品和基本音乐理论的能力. Successful completion of this course will make a student eligible to take AP音乐理论 the following year. Any student who is enrolled in either level of 音乐理论 must be enrolled in an ensemble (i.e. 乐队、管弦乐队、合唱团或吉他)
  • 爵士乐队I

    这个乐队致力于演奏20世纪30年代、40年代和50年代的爵士乐标准. 学生将学习培养对爵士音乐的欣赏能力. 学生将学习阅读和理解更高级的音乐元素,如节奏, pitch, 动力学, 清晰度, 和弦的结构, 即兴创作, 和节奏. 这个团体表演的是最高水平的音乐,只能通过试镜. 这个组织参与社区在养老院做外展工作, 社区活动, 外围博彩平台的功能.
  • 爵士乐队II

    这个小组是为有抱负的爵士音乐家设立的. 学生将学习培养对爵士音乐的欣赏能力. 学生将学习阅读和理解爵士音乐的基本元素,如节奏, pitch, 动力学, 清晰度, 和弦的结构, 即兴创作, 和节奏. 这个乐队也致力于演奏20世纪30年代、40年代和50年代的爵士乐标准. 这个组的学生正在接受爵士乐队I的试镜训练.
  • 选择带 

    This group is our highest level group and is committed to performing our most challenging band repertoire. 学生将学习演奏和理解大型合奏技巧和读写能力 as well as learn elements of music such as rhythm, pitch, 动力学, 清晰度, 和节奏. 这个团体在大纽约地区的当地活动中进行社区外展活动.
  • 管乐团 

    This is our largest group which is made up of intermediate-level musicians who are fine-tuning their musical skills. 学生将学习阅读更高级的音乐元素,如节奏, pitch, 动力学, 清晰度, 和节奏. 学生将学习演奏和理解大型合奏技巧和读写能力. 要加入这个团体需要一些经验.
  • 交响乐团 

    这是我们的初级乐队. 这个小组对任何想学习乐队乐器的学生开放. 学生将学习如何使用他们所指定的乐器, 仪器保养, 阅读音乐的基本元素,如节奏, pitch, 动力学, 清晰度, 和节奏. This course is only offered to incoming freshmen but can accept upperclassmen if it can fit their individual school schedules. 表现出能力的学生将被转移到更具挑战性的地方, higher-level performing groups as per the music directors’ recommendation at regular intervals throughout the school year.
  • 剧目的乐队 

    This group is made up of beginning to intermediate-level musicians who are fine-tuning their musical skills. 学生将学习阅读音乐的基本元素,如节奏, pitch, 动力学, 清晰度, 和节奏. 要加入这个团体需要一些经验.
  • Pep乐队 

    任何有兴趣演奏乐队或以上水平的学生均可参加. 这个团体全年都在外围博彩平台的体育赛事中表演.
  • 滚筒线 

    这个小组对所有在Xaverian注册的学生开放. 这一组有初级和高级组成部分. 学生学习适用于行进鼓线的击鼓基本知识. 学生们在一年中的不同时间表演. Biannual concerts, performance exams, and mandatory performances are part of the learning process.
  • 开始乐团 

    在这个群体中, 学生将学习培养对音乐的鉴赏力, 建立有效练习和演奏乐器的技能, 跟着售票员走, 提高音乐素养——包括音乐阅读, 理解音乐术语, 并与乐团的其他成员合作. Emphasis will be placed on exposing each student to a variety of performing experiences and music.
  • 音乐会管弦乐队

    在这个群体中, 学生将学习培养对音乐的鉴赏力, 培养有效练习的技能, 跟着售票员走, 提高音乐素养——包括音乐阅读, 识别关节, 音乐风格, 理解音乐术语. Emphasis will be placed on exposing each student to a variety of performing experiences and music. 这个乐团演奏中级水平的曲目.
  • 选择乐团 

    在这个群体中, 学生将学习培养对音乐的鉴赏力, 培养有效练习的技能, 跟着售票员走, 提高音乐素养——包括音乐阅读, 识别发音和音乐风格, 理解音乐术语. Emphasis will be placed on exposing each student to a variety of performing experiences and music. 这个乐团将演奏所有泽维尔管弦乐团中最具挑战性的曲目.
  • 琴合奏 

    Students in the 琴合奏 learn to play the harp through exploration of musical literature, 技术研究, 以及团队合作的体验. 竖琴合奏提供了一个出口的创造力,个人表达,和艺术驱动. 它还为学生提供纪律方面的课程, 结构, 合作, 领导, 排练/表演礼仪. 涵盖了各种风格的音乐, 包括古典音乐和流行音乐, 重点是凯尔特民族音乐.
  • Chorus 

    The Chorus is a large, multi stylistic vocal performance group for students in grades 9 through 12. 学生们被分为声音类别(女高音、女低音、男高音、男低音等).). 而课程的首要任务是让团队为表演做好准备, 总体目标是培养学生的歌唱能力, 音乐才能, 以及他们的声乐知识. 听觉训练和视觉演唱也是课程的核心组成部分. 通过对合唱音乐的学习,学生将获得音乐形式和模式的素养. This knowledge directly affects the development of their “ear” which is the ability to know how music sounds just by looking at the printed score. Students are expected to have a thorough 理解ing of note reading and basic music literacy after completing one year of the course.
  • 开始弹吉他 

    在这个群体中, students will learn the basic elements of playing guitar and playing in an ensemble. 主题包括如何持有吉他, 正确的演奏技巧, 如何给吉他调音, 仪器保养, 用标准记谱法和制表法读音乐, 阅读和弦图, 导音片和弦符号, 和鳞片. 学生学习阅读音乐的基本元素,如节奏, pitch, 动力学, 清晰度, 初学者水平的节奏. All students will be required to record their playing using an app such as GarageBand or BandLab. 学生通过个人和集体的视角探索主题 and are required to perform in the Mid-Year Concert.
  • 中级吉他 

    在这个群体中, students are expected to have a basic 理解ing of how to 用标准记谱法和制表法读音乐, 和弦图, 和弦的符号, 和鳞片, 以及音乐的基本元素. Students will gain a better 理解ing of how to play in an ensemble through intermediate-level pieces and exercises. 学生将学习指法, 可移动的三和弦形状, 七和弦, 横档和弦, 和琶音. All students will be required to record their playing using an app such as GarageBand or BandLab. 学生通过个人和集体的视角探索主题. 学生必须参加冬季和春季音乐会.
  • 先进的吉他 

     Students are expected to have a thorough 理解ing of how to 用标准记谱法和制表法读音乐, 和弦图, 和弦的符号, 和鳞片, 以及音乐的基本元素. Students will gain a better 理解ing of how to play in an ensemble through advanced level pieces and exercises. 流派涵盖的范围将从摇滚,古典,当代,流行,指摘等等. 学生将熟练使用可移动的三和弦, 七和弦, 横档和弦, 和琶音. 学生将被引导成为独立的学习者和玩家. All students will be required to record their playing using an app such as GarageBand or BandLab. 我们将从个人和集体的角度探讨主题. 学生必须参加冬季和春季音乐会.
  • 初级吉他合奏 

    学生学习吉他演奏和合奏的基本元素. 主题包括如何持有吉他, 正确的演奏技巧, 如何给吉他调音, 仪器保养, 用标准记谱法和制表法读音乐, 阅读和弦图, 导音片和弦符号, 和鳞片. 我们将学习读懂音乐的基本元素,比如节奏, pitch, 动力学, 清晰度, 初学者水平的节奏. All students will be required to record their playing using an app such as GarageBand or BandLab. 我们将从个人和集体的角度探讨主题. 学生必须在年中音乐会上表演.
  • 中级吉他合奏 

    Students are expected to have a basic 理解ing of how to 用标准记谱法和制表法读音乐, 和弦图, 和弦的符号, 和鳞片, 以及音乐的基本元素. Students will gain a better 理解ing of how to play in an ensemble through intermediate-level pieces and exercises. 学生将学习指法, 可移动的三和弦形状, 七和弦, 横档和弦, 和琶音. All students will be required to record their playing using an app such as GarageBand or BandLab. 我们将从个人和集体的角度探讨主题. 学生必须参加冬季和春季音乐会.
  • 高级吉他合奏 

    Students are expected to have a thorough 理解ing of how to 用标准记谱法和制表法读音乐, 和弦图, 和弦的符号, 和鳞片, 以及音乐的基本元素. Students will gain a better 理解ing of how to play in an ensemble through advanced level pieces and exercises. 流派涵盖的范围将从摇滚,古典,当代,流行,指摘等等. 学生将熟练使用可移动的三和弦, 七和弦, 横档和弦, 和琶音. 学生将被引导成为独立的学习者和玩家. All students will be required to record their playing using an app such as GarageBand or BandLab. 合奏团将从个人和集体的角度探讨主题. 学生必须参加冬季和春季音乐会.



  • 创世纪起始带

    这个小组对任何想学习乐队乐器的学生开放. 学生将学习如何使用他们所指定的乐器, 仪器保养, 阅读音乐的基本元素,如节奏, pitch, 动力学, 清晰度, 和节奏. 表现出能力的学生将被转移到更具挑战性的地方, higher-level performing groups as per the music directors’ recommendation at regular intervals throughout the school year.
  • 创世纪开始管弦乐队

    在这个群体中, 学生将学习培养对音乐的鉴赏力, 建立有效练习和演奏乐器的技能, 跟着售票员走, 提高音乐素养——包括音乐阅读, 理解音乐术语, 并与乐团的其他成员合作. Emphasis will be placed on exposing each student to a variety of performing experiences and music. 
  • 《外围博彩平台》合唱

    这是一个为对唱歌感兴趣的学生组成的课外音乐合奏团! All students are welcome and you do not need any prior chorus or singing experience to participate in our chorus. 然而, this is an after-school 承诺 so it is expected that students commit to coming to every rehearsal and recognize the additional practice time that is needed for this performing group. 我们唱各种不同的流派,包括古典和礼仪以及流行音乐, 音乐剧, 和迪士尼歌曲! The Chorus runs from September until June and will perform in both the Winter and Spring concerts as well as potentially other performance opportunities.
  • 创世纪音乐会乐队

    This group is made up of intermediate-level musicians who are fine-tuning their musical skills. 学生将学习阅读更高级的音乐元素,如节奏, pitch, 动力学, 清晰度, 和节奏. 学生将学习演奏和理解大型合奏技巧和读写能力. 
  • 创世纪音乐会管弦乐队

    在这个群体中, 学生将学习培养对音乐的鉴赏力, 培养有效练习的技能, 跟着售票员走, 提高音乐素养——包括音乐阅读, 识别关节, 音乐风格, 理解音乐术语. Emphasis will be placed on exposing each student to a variety of performing experiences and music. 这个乐团演奏中级水平的曲目.
  • 创世纪竖琴合奏

    Students in the 琴合奏 learn to play the harp through exploration of musical literature, 技术研究, 以及团队合作的体验. 竖琴合奏提供了一个出口的创造力,个人表达,和艺术驱动. 它还为学生提供纪律方面的课程, 结构, 合作, 领导, 排练/表演礼仪. 涵盖了各种风格的音乐, 包括古典音乐和流行音乐, 重点是凯尔特民族音乐. 



  • 约瑟夫·洛波斯基摄

    Joseph Loposky 

    (718) 836-7100 x177
  • 迈克尔 Pasipanki的照片

    迈克尔 Pasipanki 10

    (718) 836-7100 x808
  • 罗伯特·兰达佐摄

    Robert 事务 08

    (718) 836-7100 x854
  • Zoe 醋照片

    Zoe 醋 

    (718) 836-7100 x822


成立于1957年, Xaverian是由Xaverian兄弟赞助的全国13所外围博彩平台之一.